Silver Dhow Cruise Creek

Night time in the middle of a cruise that too in one of the most exoctic places in the world experiencing a full fledged meal with unlimited supply of beverages joined by the magical vibes of the sea and night time breeze, must be a dream come true for you guys, right? Well, we are here to make that dream of yours take shape into reality, Quite literally.

Silver Dhow Cruise Canal

We’re amping up things a bit in here by offering you premium style moist experience of 2 hours cruising, yep a 2 hours cruising on an elegant platform with mesmerizing events and meals just to give your tour/holidays the touch you all be asking for.

Silver Dhow Cruise Marina

An economy deal for the lot who can’t afford the premium dhow dinner cruise marina, where everything is pretty much aligned and same but with some tiny bit of alterations so the people who can’t afford premiums can also take advantage of the experience the Dubai cruise has to offer.

Premium Dhow Cruise Creek

A 4 star International standard buffet to offer along with entertainment shows, cultural and traditional style music with a twist of recreational shows. For those of you lot who doesn’t know what recreational shows are, it’s an any activity that provides a diversion, amusement, sport, or refreshment to the member. Or in this case the lot who’ll be accompanying us on this cruise ride.

Premium Dhow Cruise Canal

We're amplifying things here a little bit by bringing you a premium-style wet experience on a 2 hour cruise, featuring 2 hours of beautiful deck cruises with exciting events and dining just to give your tour/holiday the key you requested.A platinum style buffet with variety of options that includes options of veg and non veg will be available in our premium canal dhow cruise.

Premium Dhow Cruise Marina

Here comes the grand event A premium style dhow dinner cruise marina. And just as the name suggests this cruise right here doesn't need to have an intro its like cherry on topping of the cake you lot have been eating. And its purpose is to serve as the climax of the journey you guys have been having in Dubai.